Supporting the

In-Person Shopping


Retail Partnerships

We love when our retailers succeed, with O3NC displays, informational marketing materials, and strategic placement leading to significant in-store sales and traffic for our partners

Whole Food Fiber, Made Easy.

All Natural
Zero Carb
Gluten Free and,

High in Fibre

Our Most SuccessfulStores Sell between 7-14 Bags a Day.

Join the 1000 Canadian

Stores and Health and

Wellness Ambassadors

Sharing O3NC with the


Using Natura Fiber

Adding fiber to your diet is now easier than ever with Natura Fiber. Bake, blend, mix, or shake 3 heaping tablespoons into you and your family's favorite foods to reach half your day's recommended fiber intake. Be sure to add a little extra liquid into whatever you're blending Natura Fiber, as it will naturally thicken most things. Gradually work your way up to 3 heaping tablespoons of Natura Fiber every day, increasing your water intake to avoid digestion distress

A Selection of our Proud Partners